Predict method for object of class "jm"
# S3 method for class 'jm'
newdata = NULL, newdata2 = NULL, times = NULL,
process = c("longitudinal", "event"),
type_pred = c("response", "link"),
type = c("subject_specific", "mean_subject"),
control = NULL, ...)
# S3 method for class 'predict_jm'
plot(x, x2 = NULL, subject = 1, outcomes = 1,
fun_long = NULL, fun_event = NULL, CI_long = TRUE, CI_event = TRUE,
xlab = "Follow-up Time", ylab_long = NULL, ylab_event = "Cumulative Risk",
main = "", lwd_long = 2, lwd_event = 2, ylim_event = c(0, 1),
ylim_long_outcome_range = TRUE,
col_line_long = "#0000FF",
col_line_event = c("#FF0000", "#03BF3D", "#8000FF"), pch_points = 16,
col_points = "blue", cex_points = 1, fill_CI_long = "#0000FF4D",
fill_CI_event = c("#FF00004D", "#03BF3D4D", "#8000FF4D"), cex_xlab = 1,
cex_ylab_long = 1, cex_ylab_event = 1, cex_main = 1, cex_axis = 1,
col_axis = "black", pos_ylab_long = c(0.1, 2, 0.08), bg = "white",
# S3 method for class 'jmList'
weights, newdata = NULL, newdata2 = NULL,
times = NULL, process = c("longitudinal", "event"),
type_pred = c("response", "link"),
type = c("subject_specific", "mean_subject"),
control = NULL, ...)
an object inheriting from class "jm"
or a list of "jm"
a numeric vector of model weights.
a numeric vector of future times to calculate predictions.
for which process to calculation predictions, for the longitudinal outcomes or the event times.
level of predictions; only relevant when type_pred = "longitudinal"
. Option type = "subject_specific"
combines the fixed- and random-effects parts, whereas type = "mean_subject"
uses only the fixed effects.
type of predictions; options are "response"
using the inverse link function in GLMMs, and "link"
that correspond to the linear predictor.
a named list
of control parameters:
logical; if TRUE
predictions for the longitudinal outcomes are calculated for all the times
given in the times
argumet, not only the ones after the last longitudinal measurement.
logical; if TRUE
the times
argument is a vector of times equal to the number of
subjects in newdata
the level of the credible interval.
logical; should predict()
return the predictions as extra columns in newdata
and newdata2
logical; should the longitudinal measurements be used in the posterior of the random effects.
logical; if TRUE
the mcmc sample for the predictions is returned. It can be TRUE
only in conjuction with return_newdata
being FALSE
the number of samples to use from the original MCMC sample of object
the number of Metropolis-Hastings iterations for sampling the random effects per iteration of n_samples
; only the last iteration is retained.
character string; what type of parallel computing to use. Options are "snow"
(default) and "multicore"
how many number of cores to use. If there more than 20 subjects in newdata
, parallel computing is invoked with four cores by default. If cores = 1
, no parallel computing is used.
an integer denoting the seed.
objects returned by
with argument return_data
set to TRUE
when multiple subjects are included in the data.frames x
and x2
, it selects which one to plot. Only a single subject can be plotted each time.
when multiple longitudinal outcomes are included in the data.frames x
and x2
, it selects which ones to plot. A maximum of three outcomes can be plotted each time.
function to apply to the predictions for the longitudinal and event outcomes, respectively. When multiple longitudinal outcomes are plotted, fun_long
can be a list of functions; see examples below.
logical; should credible interval areas be plotted.
characture strings or a chracter vector for ylab_long
when multiple longitudinal outcomes are considered with the labels for the horizontal axis, and the two vertical axes.
graphical parameters; see par
controls the position of the y-axis labels when multiple longitudinal outcomes are plotted.
the ylim
for the event outcome.
logical; if TRUE
, the range of the y-axis spans across the range of the outcome in the data used to fit the model; not only the range of values of the specific subject being plotted.
aguments passed to control.
A detailed description of the methodology behind these predictions is given here:
Method predict()
returns a list or a data.frame (if return_newdata
was set to TRUE
) with the predictions.
Method plot()
produces figures of the predictions from a single subject.
# \donttest{
# We fit a multivariate joint model$status2 <- as.numeric($status != 'alive')
CoxFit <- coxph(Surv(years, status2) ~ sex, data =
fm1 <- lme(log(serBilir) ~ ns(year, 3) * sex, data = pbc2,
random = ~ ns(year, 3) | id, control = lmeControl(opt = 'optim'))
fm2 <- lme(prothrombin ~ ns(year, 2) * sex, data = pbc2,
random = ~ ns(year, 2) | id, control = lmeControl(opt = 'optim'))
fm3 <- mixed_model(ascites ~ year * sex, data = pbc2,
random = ~ year | id, family = binomial())
jointFit <- jm(CoxFit, list(fm1, fm2, fm3), time_var = "year", n_chains = 1L)
# we select the subject for whom we want to calculate predictions
# we use measurements up to follow-up year 3; we also set that the patients
# were alive up to this time point
t0 <- 3
ND <- pbc2[pbc2$id %in% c(2, 25), ]
ND <- ND[ND$year < t0, ]
ND$status2 <- 0
ND$years <- t0
# predictions for the longitudinal outcomes using newdata
predLong1 <- predict(jointFit, newdata = ND, return_newdata = TRUE)
# predictions for the longitudinal outcomes at future time points
# from year 3 to 10
predLong2 <- predict(jointFit, newdata = ND,
times = seq(t0, 10, length.out = 51),
return_newdata = TRUE)
# predictions for the event outcome at future time points
# from year 3 to 10
predSurv <- predict(jointFit, newdata = ND, process = "event",
times = seq(t0, 10, length.out = 51),
return_newdata = TRUE)
# for subject 25, outcomes in reverse order
plot(predLong2, outcomes = 3:1, subject = 25)
# prediction for the event outcome
# combined into one plot, the first longitudinal outcome and cumulative risk
plot(predLong2, predSurv, outcomes = 1)
# the first two longitudinal outcomes
plot(predLong1, predSurv, outcomes = 1:2)
# all three longitudinal outcomes, we display survival probabilities instead
# of cumulative risk, and we transform serum bilirubin to the original scale
plot(predLong2, predSurv, outcomes = 1:3, fun_event = function (x) 1 - x,
fun_long = list(exp, identity, identity),
ylab_event = "Survival Probabilities",
ylab_long = c("Serum Bilirubin", "Prothrombin", "Ascites"),
pos_ylab_long = c(1.9, 1.9, 0.08))
# }